Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

thank's for this day

harusnya ini ditulis kemarin, tapi karena kemaren nggak dapat PC plus soak abis kehujanan...

jadinya sekarang deh... better late than never right??

sometimes (just sometimes) good turns bad is good thing..

and skipping from office hour is include.. heheheh

afwan ya... sudah mengajak to something bad (yg nyaranin pergi jam kantor kan Mas :P) tetep aja ngeles

ternyata untuk urusan belanja, you're better than me... lol..

terimakasih cinta..

afwan dengan segala kerepotan yang timbul setelahnya T.T

thank's for made me enjoying the rain... (when water splashed to our face is best moment ^_^. I was laugh out loud, did you hear it..)
I wanna enjoy every single, simple yet silly thing with you and laugh of them... that's the way I enjoy my life...
I realize we are enjoying our life in different way...
You always save the best for the last, neither I always try to put a little pleasure in every part...
And I love our way...
So I can keep giving you a little pleasure in every step that you take, and when I'm lack of happiness you can give me your little part...

with love, your wife..

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